This was accompanied by a small movement at the time to "green the desert". The belief was that you could pump water into the desert, plant trees, and soon it would no longer be the desert. Claims were made that the desert was so fertile that crops could grow overnight.
It is not just the JWs that have come up with the "irrigating the deserts" story, either. I can remember once reading a Plain Truth magazine, in which the author (presumably H.W. Armstrong) made the claim that there are large bodies of water trapped in the ground beneath all the world's deserts - and thereby inferring that irrigation should not be much of a difficulty.
Presumably, he got that idea from Australia's Great Artesian Basin, and then extrapolated this onto all other arid regions in the world. Even much of the water in the GAB is toxic. At the site I worked at on the edge of the desert in South Australia, the artesian water was seven times as saline as seawater. To make it in any way usable required a three-stage filtration process (including Reverse Osmosis filtration). They might as well have just said that, as most of the earth's surface is covered by oceans, irrigation / water supply should never be an issue!